Your credit score is a snapshot of your credit risk at a particular point in time. It can impact your ability to get a loan, receive the best loan rate, and in some cases, get a job. It is important that you know what your credit score is and understand what factors make up that number. SavvyMoney is a free resource within MyUSA’s online banking and mobile app that provides you free, ongoing access to your credit score, factors that impact it, and what you can do to strengthen it.
Features + Benefits
- Complete credit report with your score
- Break-down of each section of your credit report
- Suggestions to improve your score
- Personalized money-saving offers
- Financial education tips
- Monitoring alerts
- Easily dispute errors
- And more
Interactive Learning Experiences
Your credit score may seem like an ambiguous number, but it provides financial institutions and other companies with a snapshot of how “creditworthy” you are. Zogo offers short, interactive learning experiences will provide valuable information that will empower you to make smart financial decisions and create the life of your dreams.
Zogo is a gamified financial literacy app that rewards users for completing bite-sized financial literacy lessons on intelligently saving, spending, and managing money. Level up and earn while you learn, with real-life rewards, such as gift cards to your favorite stores!
Annual Credit Report
The three nationwide credit reporting companies (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) have a central Web site, toll-free number, and mailing address where you can order your free annual report. If you are planning a big purchase soon (new car or home) you may want to order all three credit reports at once. That way you can catch and correct any errors right away. If you’re not planning a big purchase, order from one bureau every 4 months to catch suspicious activity throughout the year.
- Website for Free Credit Report: annualcreditreport.com
- Call for Free Credit Report: 877.322.8228
- Mail for Free Credit Report: PO BOX 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
Credit Education
- The FTC (Federal Trade Commission), a government agency, provides valuable information on why it’s important to get a report, how to order one (and avoid scams), and what to do if you find an error.
- FICO sponsors a Web site to educate you about the five credit categories that determine your score and how each are weighted.
Identity Theft
If you think you have become a victim of identity theft, visit report suspected identity theft to the FT online or call 877-438-4338.